The Adonis Golden Ratio Review

Get The Look That
Women Can’t Resist?
The Adonis Golden Ratio Review


Most women are usually sexually attracted to a muscular and fit body because it’s usually a sign of vitality and masculinity.

However, there is an upper limit to how much muscle a guy can have and how hyper masculine a guy can get until it starts to turn off more women than it attracts.

For things like social status and money, there’s usually never a “too much” point.

However, for things like muscle mass, there is definitely a too much point.

Women reported having a lower attraction and less desire for overly masculine and over muscled men – the big overstuffed bodybuilder types.

Women prefer this type of physique

They assume (often wrongly) that men with oversized muscles are less trustworthy, more volatile, selfish, insecure, threatening and dangerous.

Scaring women away is definitely not the look you want to go for – unless you want to be a bodybuilder, in which case, go for it.

So now we know that too big and too masculine isn’t going to work. But on the other hand, too small and too feminine obviously aren’t the answers either.

A very feminine man with zero muscle on his frame isn’t really going to attract too many women either – she’ll view him as weak and submissive.

So what is the answer?

There is a look that is ideal. It’s not too big; it’s not too small.

It’s not the ultra-masculine male, and it’s not the effeminate metro sexual skinny look (I hate it). It is, in fact, a measureable shape and size that the greatest number of women will find attractive.

This look isn’t exactly the middle-of-the-road kind of body either as that wouldn’t definitely excite any woman at all, after all average, ordinary or even mediocre never will be desirable.

Adonis ratio Golden review pdf program training workout system download fitness guide book cardio calculator worksThe look and size is closer to the higher end of muscle mass and masculinity.

But it straddles a fine line of not pushing it too far.2q

Knowing how far to go and where to stop is the key to building the body all women desire.

And I’m not making this up; I have research to back it up…

When ladies were shown a couple of pictures of different sizes and physiques of men, most women always rated male figures that were classified as “built” , “brawny” and “toned” as more sexually appealing and desirable than figures that were categorized as typical” , “slender”,  or “chubby.”

Most women did rate men with average and moderate muscularity as the most appealing and attractive, rather than the lowest or highest muscular level.

In other words, muscularity, up to a point, is attractive, but past that point, it becomes unattractive, with the highest and lowest levels being the least attractive.

Most ladies also chose the more muscular toned body as the one they would most likely prefer to have a steamy short term sexual relationships with.

Check this out…

When surveyed, women reported that their most recent short-term sex partners were more muscular and more athletic than their other recent non-short term sex partners.

Even more interesting is that they dated these more
muscular guys for a shorter period of time before giving it up, on average one week versus 12 weeks!

How is that for results?

In other words, if you’ve got the body these women want, you’re going to get them in bed by the end of the week, if not sooner.

Adonis fitness Golden guide book cardio calculator works ratio review pdf program training workout system downloadIf you don’t have the body, you’ve got about three months of dating and “getting to know you” stuff to do before you get some play.

Can you say “waste of time?!”

Another bonus for you guys who don’t want to deal with clingy girls and messy breakups is the fact that girls who had sex with the more muscular men right away felt less emotional attachment to them!

===> Get the look that women can’t resist

This is pretty hardcore proof that when you strip away the thoughts of long-term relationships, raising a family and marriage and all of those other things, women at their core are just like men.

They just want to have sex! And lots of it!

They are subconsciously attracted to men with muscular fit bodies and want to have sex with them now, immediately, if not sooner!


With this simple carnal desire for sex, the follow through really doesn’t require any great degree of romanticism or even emotional attachment.

Pure raw physical attraction – that’s it!

For all you guys who don’t think women want to throw down as soon as they see a guy they are attracted to, think again.

It might not be immediately or even within the first hour, but without a doubt by the end of that day or at the second encounter, it is definitely realistic chance that she’ll get down with you.

So your next order of business should be getting the right body shape pronto!

The kind of look that’ll get these results with women is a precise size and shape that any guy can successfully achieve with the right workout program and paying a little bit of attention to his daily eating habits.

It is actually a very attainable look for almost any man. This is what 99 percent of everybody that goes to the gym is working for – the look that will draw people to you, the look that will land every woman’s eyes on you.

I’m talking about the golden ratio and the perfect Adonis Index Score.

Your friend,

P.S. To learn more about how you can become a  sexual magnet for women,click here and check out the Adonis Perfect Golden Ratio now Adonis fitness Golden guide book cardio calculator works ratio review pdf program training workout system download



The Adonis Golden Ratio Review

The Adonis Golden Ratio PDF

Adonis Training Program Golden Ratio Review

The Golden Ratio Workout Review Adonis ABS

The Golden Adonis Ratio Review


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Everyone’s heard it before.

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Well it turns out it’s not really as simple as that.

The problem with excessive amounts of cardio is that it can end up tearing down your muscle mass.

And less muscle mass, means a slower metabolism and a slower metabolism often means more body fat is gained.

This is one of the reasons why you see so many overweight people struggling away on long cardio sessions in the gym.

This method of fat loss is just not that effective.

So how CAN you build muscle and lose fat at the same time?

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It’s something way more powerful. And it’s explained in this article below…

Surprising running trick SKYROCKETS testosterone and muscle mass

Talk soon,


PS – The biggest excuse I hear around exercise is “I don’t have the time”

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