43 Texts That Guarantee Sex Review PDF Download

43 Text Messages That Get Her Into Bed Tonight? (Just Copy Paste, Send & Get Laid)
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Here’s something that women won’t ever admit:

They love sex just as much as guys do!

So why is it so freakin’ hard to get action with good looking babes?

Most guys simply don’t understand women… and end up alone, frustrated, or feeling rejected.

I don’t blame them. Women are weird creatures. But here’s the thing… once
you know how to turn women on, they’re simple creatures, just like us guys!

See, with guys, it’s all visual.

But with women, it’s all emotion.

For example, did you know that more women read dirty novels than men
watch pawrn?

So yes, women crave sex… but they don’t get turned on by the same things.

Like it or not, if you want to get women chasing you down for fun times, you’ve got to start talking to her in a way that appeals to her subconscious sexual desires.

Also Read : 43 texts that get you laid

When you know how women are hardwired… you can say the most innocent
sounding things in a text message, Facebook message or Tweet, and have
them rushing to meet you for a coffee or drink…

…and suddenly, she’s deliberately brushing past your crotch in public, pinching your butt, leaning in to whisper in your ear, and yes, even going down on you in the alley behind the bar… then jerking you off in a cab as you cruise back to her place.

And if you think that sounds hard to believe, just watch this video, and you’ll see how you can start triggering women’s libidos via text messages and PMs… from the chair you’re sat in right now.

Look, I get it — if you’ve spent most of your life getting rejected by women, or being totally ignored, then it’s hard to believe anything will help your situation.

But again, the only reason you’ve been rejected for so long is because you’ve been approaching women from a guy’s perspective… NOT from a woman’s.

You haven’t been telling her what she really wants to hear, see and feel from

You’ve been giving her the wrong signals, without even knowing it.

Fuck that.

This video shows you how to completely flip the script and start
giving her what she secretly craves from you.

And do it with simple 43 TEXTS MESSAGES!

No more awkward phone calls, or nervous face-to-face seduction tricks.

All the magic happens through simple little text messages you can literally send her right now… on Facebook, Twitter, or your phone.

It doesn’t matter what you look like, how rich or poor you are, or how young or old you are… women aren’t driven into bed by the same surface-level crap that guys are.

So, don’t sweat it… just watch this “43 texts review” video , then take action, and see what happens.


Joe Slade

P.S – This is the result of years of trial and error… endless rejection… countless text fails. Someone else has done all the hard work for you… they’ve already figured out EXACTLY what to text women to get them horny for you.

Just copy and paste these 43 texts messages and watch the magic happen.
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43 Texts That Guarantee Sex Review

43 Texts That Guarantee Sex Review PDF 

How To Text A Girl To Get Laid

Text Messages That Will Turn Her On


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Trigger Lust Review

The 5-Word Question That’ll Make Your Wife Beg You For Sex?



Even if you’ve been together for DECADES it’s still possible to trigger lust and an intense sexual desire in your partner.

Here’s how…

Use this 5 word question to make your wife (or girlfriend) beg you for sex


There’s a secret language of arousal.

It’s not “how was your day?”

And it’s not “come f@#$ me right now”.

It’s not aggressive.

And it’s not plutonic.

It’s a more primal language.

It lies below surface words.

It’s not concerned with the superficial – like whether you meet the current cultural rules of “attractive” (in other words you DON’T need to look like Channing Tatum to trigger this primal lust).

This is about tapping into the deep sexual hunger that exists within all women of all ages (that are legally allowed to have sex of course).

Think about this for a moment…

Billions of people on this planet have had sex and will have sex.

Millions and millions of people are having sex right now.

This very second.

So the problem isn’t that your woman lacks sexual desire.

Sexual desire is genetically programmed in to every woman alive.

But if she’s not displaying it right now, that means it’s locked away.

And it’s waiting for you to use your key to unlock that desire.

And that key is how you approach your woman.

How you talk to her.

How you communicate with her.

Myth:  How you interact with her.

Not just before bed but throughout the day and throughout your relationship.

That sexual desire is there – you just need to unlock it.

So if you’d like to know how to do that…

…And if you’d like to know the exact words to use to stoke that flame of passion, go read this article that I wrote on it.

In it I break down the 5 word question to stimulate intense sexual hunger in your woman, no matter how long you’ve been together – and many more methods you can use to drive her crazy for you.

Go read it here…

The 5 word question for intense sexual hunger

Talk soon,


PS – Remember, this works on almost any kind of woman – wives, girlfriends – even first dates.

See what it is through this link HERE…

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